This factory's products are noted for their fine workmanship and durability. 该厂的产品具有工艺精湛、经久耐用的特点。
The German cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability. 德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。
Pottery that reveals craft and fine workmanship; 展示手艺和做工精细的陶制品;
Our carpet be hand-make of pure chinese wool. they are resilient and have fine workmanship. 我们的地毯是用中国纯羊毛手工织成的。它们富有弹性且做工精细。
In the long history of its development, Su Embroidery has gradually acquired its unique art style of pretty design, harmonious color, sprightly lines, lively needlework and fine workmanship. 的历史发展过程中,苏绣在艺术上形成了图案秀丽、色彩和谐、线条明快、针法活泼、绣工精细的地方风格。
It shows fine workmanship. 做工精细。
This product is characterized by its fine workmanship and durability. 这个产品的特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。
The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of workmanship. 这些旅游景观制作精巧,工艺精湛。
Together with fine fabrics, careful design and perfect workmanship, DE VERLI develops his consistent meticulousness and thoughtfulness to the greatest extent. 理想的面料配合DEVERLI一贯的精心设计与完美做工,将DEVERLI始终坚持的细致与体贴发挥到了极致。
This art is fine and exquisite in the way of cutting, advanced in workmanship and has perfect execution of engraving and processing of nephrite. 刀法细腻,工艺精湛,将对皮色的雕刻和对玉质的保留处理恰到好处。
They are of good quality and have fine workmanship; they are very popular in Europe. 它们质量好,做工精良,在欧洲非常畅销。
We were much impressed by the high quality and fine workmanship of your products. 贵方产品的高品质和优良工艺给我们很深刻的印象。
Entirely hand-made with fine workmanship. 完全用精湛的工艺手工制成。
The "Beijing Design", reflecting a unique national and traditional style, is colorful and durable with fine workmanship. “北京图案”反映的是一种独特的民族和传统风格,色彩丰富,坚固耐用,织工精细。
This beauty parlour distinguishes itself by unique decoration, comfortable environment, complete equipment and facilities, famous cosmetics, fine workmanship, high quality and a full set of services. 本整容院以装潢别致,环境舒适,设备完美,用品名贵,操作精细,讲究质量,服务项目齐全而出名。
With advanced equipment, fine workmanship, complete quality control system, high quality products and reasonable price, our company has won a good reputation and trust of customers. 自建厂以来,以严格的管理,良好的质量和服务赢得了国内外客户的信赖和好评。
Langfang Tianyuan Sporting Goods Co., Ltd will be guided by high-quality, high quality and reasonable price, the purpose of fine workmanship. 天源体育用品有限公司将遵循高质量、高品质、价格合理、工艺精湛的宗旨。
Follow international fashion trends, high-end fabrics, fine workmanship, reasonable prices, good value for money, this is the general evaluation of our customers. 紧跟国际时装潮流,面料高档,做工精细,价钱合理,物有所值,这是顾客对我们的普遍评价。
Daily new, fine workmanship, quick delivery, accounts clear. 每日新款,做工精致,发货迅速,帐目明晰。
Efforts must be made to make dress meet the needs of environmental protection and do good to health making it of novel styles, bright colors and fine workmanship. 服装不仅要款式新颖、色泽艳丽、制作精细;而且要符合环保要求,对人体起保健作用。
Our product positioning in the design is beautiful and reasonable, the design is novel, fine workmanship, good quality and style vogue, high grade. 我们把产品定位在设计美观合理,款式新颖、做工精细、品质良好、风格时尚、档次高贵。
The traditional Chinese dress for women is of fine workmanship and gives full expression to a woman's figure. 传统旗袍,精工细做,女性身材的完美体现。
The cooked wheaten food recorded in 《 Qi Ming Yao Shu 》 is noted for its multiple kinds, fine workmanship, complete information and good practicability. 前言:《齐民要术》记录的“饼”,种类多、制法细、资料全、实用性强。
Buddhist temples, mosques and Hindu temples are everywhere, featuring fine and delicate workmanship. 造型别致、工艺精湛的佛教寺院、清真寺和印度寺院比比皆是。
In recent years Korean sitcoms are becoming increasingly popular worldwide owing to their distinct cultural connotations and fine workmanship, hence the so-called "Korean Wave". 近年来,韩剧以其独特的文化内涵和精美的制作风靡全球,在全世界范围内刮起了一阵“韩流”。
These ornaments, fine texture, fine workmanship, harassment ornamentation, no doubt was the highest level of handicraft representatives. 这些饰品质地优良,做工精细,纹饰繁缛,无疑是当时最高手工艺水平的代表。
The following 40 years, he carved a small bundle of straw works more than 70 pieces, each piece is fine, wonderful workmanship excelling nature. 40多年来,他用秸秆扎刻了大小作品70余件,件件精品,巧夺天工。